EU-FORA – The European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme

The European Food Risk Assessment (EU-FORA) Fellowship Programme is a key initiative for ensuring preparedness for future risk analysis needs. The programme keeps evolving based on seven years of experience, the implementation of 94 work programmes, and the participation of more than 70 supervisors from 43 organisations in 18 different EU Member States and the UK and over 100 fellows that now constitute the EU-FORA Alumni.
The programme aims to increase the pool of food safety risk assessment experts available in Europe and stimulate the involvement of Member States in risk assessment work, all with the ultimate objective of building a common EU culture for risk assessment.
EU-FORA 2.0 presents a unique opportunity for national competent organisations (Article 36 organisations) from EU Member States, Iceland or Norway to widen their networks, exchange knowledge and best practices and contribute to achieving a harmonised EU risk assessment culture by offering a work programme to a fellow from another Article 36 organisation and / or identifying among their staff a fellow to be trained by a partnering organisation (hosting site).
How does it work?
Fellow sending organisation and hosting site apply as a consortium. Following a call for proposals, EFSA will rank the applications received based on their quality and relevance, as well as on the suitability of the identified fellow. Awarded consortia will sign a Grant Agreement with EFSA, the contribution of which is meant to support the costs incurred by both organisations.
The fellowship lasts for 12 months, during which time the fellow remains a staff member of their institution (a competent organisation, fellow-sending organisation) and is released from their regular tasks to follow a work programme offered by another competent organisation (hosting site).
The focus of the EU-FORA fellowship programme will be targeted to activities falling within EFSA’s remit. It is aimed at professionals with a background in biological sciences relevant to food safety and competent organisations with strong capacity in one or more areas of food safety risk assessment. Check out the additional information in the toolbox (right) and below.
Although most of the work programme is followed remotely, fellows will spend some time at the hosting organisation gaining first-hand experience, with the aim of enhancing knowledge exchange and networking.
Has your organisation identified a potential fellow? Is your organisation interested in training a fellow? Keep reading!
Information for applicant organisations
The proposal must be co-submitted by a consortium of two eligible organisations from two different EU countries, Norway or Iceland. One of the organisations will act as sending organisation, proposing a fellow to be trained under a work programme offered by the consortium partner, who will act as hosting site and will be responsible for the training of the fellow.
Hosting sites are expected to have a strong capacity and broad experience in one or more activities relevant to food safety risk assessment. Fellows should be mid-career professionals in the field of food safety with a full university degree in a relevant field and with less than 15 years of experience.
Do you need support to identify a consortium partner?
Ask your EFSA national Focal Point
Are you a competent authority in an EU Member State, Iceland or Norway with strong capacity and an extensive track record in one or more areas related to food safety risk assessment that would like to help strengthen Europe’s capacity in food risk assessment? Has your organisation identified a mid-career professional in the field of food safety with a full university degree in a relevant field and with less than 15 years of experience? Read on and find out how the fellowship programme will benefit to your organisation.
What benefits will the Programme bring to the organisations involved?
- Hosting sites will benefit from the skills and knowledge a fellow will bring from their institution of origin, helping them to better understand the issues and perspectives of colleagues in other countries. Moreover, they will have the opportunity to strengthen bilateral co-operations with other institutions, and during the 12-month fellowship, the fellow will become part of the scientific workforce of the fellow hosting site, contributing to their tasks and activities.
- Hosting organisations will also create a common forum with other hosting organisations across Europe to exchange experience and best practice, helping to build the new generation of risk assessors.
- Fellows will bring back to their institutions of origin new skills, more expertise and hands-on experience in food safety risk assessment, acquired during the practical work and the training opportunities offered over the 12 months. Moreover, sending organisations will benefit from the direct contacts established with the hosting site and, together with the fellows, they will become members of a strong EU-wide network of professionals in food safety.
- At the end of the fellowship placement, all organisations will gain visibility from the final scientific report on the fellow’s work, which will be published in a special issue of the EFSA Journal.
How to apply through the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal: Practical example
EU-FORA [at]
Zie ook
- The European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme Series 1 2017-2018
- The European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme Series 2 2018-2019
- The European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme Series 3 2019-2020
- The European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme Series 4 2020-2021
- The European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme Series 5 2021-2022
- The European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme Series 6 2022-2023