
Nanotechnology is a field of applied sciences and technologies involving the control of matter at the atomic and molecular scale, normally below 100 nanometres. Nanomaterials may exhibit different physical and chemical properties compared with the same substances at normal scale, such as increased chemical reactivity due to greater surface area.
Nanotechnologies enable the management of food ingredients on a molecular level. Nanotechnology products could have a substantial impact on the food and feed sector in the future, potentially offering benefits for industry and the consumer, although possible risks need to be considered. Companies and institutes worldwide are currently researching and developing applications in fields such as the treatment of the mechanical and sensorial properties of food – for instance to achieve changed taste or texture – and modified nutritional value. Nanotechnology may also be used in food packaging, for instance to ensure better protection or to detect how fresh food is. The specific properties and characteristics of nanomaterials need to be considered for any potential health risks.
Two years after the publication of the 2021 Nano Guidance documents - Guidance on Particle – Technical Requirements and Guidance on Nano – Risk Assessment - we are seeking feedback from our stakeholders on the lessons learnt from their implementation. Your insights can help us to provide further guidance to applicants and risk assessors.
Have your say via our survey (deadline: 30 April 2024)!
In particular we would like to know about:
- The clarity of the guidance documents and challenges encountered in applying them.
- Your suggestions for improvement in a future update of these guidance documents.
- Information on available expertise in the field of nanotechnologies.
Experts clarify ‘the use of Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and other light scattering methods for characterisation of particle size distribution’ at 50th meeting of the Working Group on Nanotechnologies(see Annex I).
Nanotechnology was one of four food innovation areas covered at the EFSA ‘Future Food and Feed Lab - Stakeholder workshop on new food/feed sources and technologies’ in March 2023.
A new annex on Degradation/dissolution rate under acidic conditions updates existing guidance documents.
EFSA discusses implementation of its nano guidance document with feed additive stakeholders.
The NAMs4NANO Project takes off aiming to develop methodologies and case studies, and promote the use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in EFSA’s nanotechnology assessments.
Stakeholders take part in a nanotechnology workshop focused on information requirements for applicants, and the services and supporting tools available to applicants preparing dossiers for submission to EFSA.
Two new EFSA guidance documents – on animal and human health, and on requirements for regulated food and feed product applications further clarify how EFSA’s scientists approach the assessment of nanomaterials in the food and feed chain. They set down data and information requirements for applicants submitting materials for assessment as part of EU market authorisation procedures.
EFSA holds a scientific colloquium on “A coordinated approach to assessing the human health risks of microplastics and nanoplastics in food”.
EFSA publishes an external report on existing guidance and other published sources related to the environmental risk assessment A specialised field of applied science that involves reviewing scientific data and studies in order to evaluate risks associated with certain hazards. It involves four steps: hazard identification, hazard characterisation, exposure assessment and risk characterisation. of nanomaterials. The report will form the basis for EFSA future guidance on assessing environmental risks from the application of nanoscience The study of nanomaterials. and nanotechnology in the food and feed chain.
EFSA asks for feedback on draft technical guidance on technical requirements for regulated food and feed product applications to establish the presence of small particles including nanoparticles.
New guidance comes out on assessing the safety for humans and animals of nanoscience and nanotechnology applications. It gives practical advice on the testing and methods to apply.
EFSA’s scientists provide a state of the science overview on microplastics and nanoplastics as contaminants in food.
A guidance document explains how EFSA’s Panels should assess potential risks related to certain food-related uses of nanotechnology.
EFSA’s Advisory Forum establishes the Nano Network to develop cooperation and networking with Member States on nanoscience.
EFSA’s Scientific Committee publishes a scientific opinion on nanoscience and nanotechnologies in relation to food and feed safety.
EFSA's role
Since 2006 EFSA has been following developments in nanotechnology within its remit – providing independent scientific advice and technical support to risk managers – including reviewing the current state of knowledge and latest developments in nanotechnology regarding food and feed.
EFSA’s Scientific Committee provides scientific advice on how to assess applications from food operators to use (engineered) nanomaterials in food additives, enzymes, flavourings, food contact materials, novel foods, food supplements, feed additives and pesticides. The work considers the risks of nanomaterials and nano particles that might be present in the food chain, for human and animal health. In the future, this advice will be extended to the assessment of the environmental impact of nano particles.
EFSA’s scientific panels consider the Scientific Committee’s advice in their safety assessments of specific nanomaterials, for instance in the areas of food additives, novel foods and food contact materials.
This advice may also be taken into account by EFSA’s Nano Network, which furthers cooperation and networking between EFSA and Member States on nanoscience and nanotechnology in relation to food and feed safety risk assessment. The network facilitates the exchange of information and expertise, enhances dialogue and builds mutual understanding of risk assessment principles between EFSA and the Member States. We publish an annual report of the network’s activities.
- Applicants and other stakeholders who require support on how to apply the guidance document on nanotechnology, can submit a request via the ‘Ask EFSA a Question’ service.
EU framework
The European Union is taking an “integrated, safe and responsible approach” to the development of nanotechnologies. This includes:
- Creating the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON), which among other things monitors safety issues and engages in dialogue with national authorities, stakeholders and citizens.
- Reviewing and adapting EU laws e.g. the European Commission recommendation on the definition of a nanomaterial.
- Nanotechnology – European Commission, DG Health and Consumers
- Research topics: Nanotechnology – Joint Research Centre