In June 2024, EFSA’s Management Board approved a new Independence Policy, further strengthening the way in which the Authority manages the interests of its scientific experts and all professionals...
Food safety: prepared for the unexpected
Established in 2008, the Focal Point (FP) Network consists of representatives from the national food safety authorities of the Member States (MSs), Iceland and Norway, as well as observers from...
Check out our infographic on mineral oil hydrocarbons in food. It shows in which foods they can be found, their potential impact on human health and how different actors in the EU work closely to...
EFSA and EU Member States carried out a risk assessment and peer review thereof for the active substance glyphosate. It is the most comprehensive and transparent assessment of a pesticide that EFSA...
Check out our infographic on some of the findings in our latest scientific advice on the welfare of dairy cows. Our assessments on the welfare of farmed animals provide support for the revision of the...
EFSA has assessed the husbandry systems used in the European Union for ducks, geese and quail, check out our infographic to find out more.
Don't miss our new comic strip “Fastidious X, the fearsome killer” and join us as we unmask the culprit Xylella fastidiosa, a plant pest causing severe damage to the economy and the environment. Drawn...
EFSA may obtain expert opinions and advice in specific cases from Individual Scientific Advisors (ISA) based on a fixed daily remuneration. The ISA scheme complements and supports EFSA’s scientific...
To improve the welfare of farmed calves, the animals should be kept in small groups with sufficient space to rest and given deformable bedding, while the use of individual pens should be avoided...
To improve the welfare of farmed broiler chickens and laying hens, EFSA’s scientists recommend avoiding the practice of mutilation, feed restriction and the use of cages. Two scientific opinions...
To improve the welfare of farmed pigs, the use of cages should be avoided and the docking of tails should be abandoned in favour of other preventive measures against tail biting. In its latest...