L’Europa ha registrato il più basso numero di casi di influenza aviaria ad alta patogenicità (HPAI) nel pollame e negli uccelli selvatici dal 2019/2020 e il rischio per la popolazione in genere rimane...
On 1 July 2024, 180 leading experts joined the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) scientific panels for a new 5-year term. EFSA’s experts provide independent scientific advice to protect EU...
Se non vengono storditi in modo efficace, i piccoli ruminanti come le pecore e le capre possono provare forte dolore e paura durante l'abbattimento. Secondo l'ultimo parere dell'EFSA sul benessere...
In June 2024, EFSA’s Management Board approved a new Independence Policy, further strengthening the way in which the Authority manages the interests of its scientific experts and all professionals...
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has updated its Independence Policy, further strengthening the measures it has in place to manage the interests of the scientific experts and professionals...
This year’s World Food Safety Day focuses on food incidents and on the crucial need for preparedness for unexpected events. EFSA is marking the day by releasing new material also in the framework of...
Food safety incidents can always happen. Join us to learn about the teams in place that respond to food safety incidents and how we stay prepared for the unexpected.
Food safety: prepared for the unexpected
Nel 2023 14 Stati membri dell’UE sono stati interessati dalla peste suina africana (PSA), che, in rapporto all’anno precedente, ha fatto quintuplicare i focolai infettivi nei suini domestici. Sono...
Why do some people have to avoid gluten? Could we eradicate allergies? Discover the complex world of our guts and how new research is transforming what we know.
A broad coalition of partners from across Europe have joined forces to launch today the second year of the #PlantHealth4Life campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the deep links between plant...
Un’ampia coalizione di partner da tutta Europa ha unito le forze per dare il via oggi al secondo anno della campagna #PlantHealth4Life, che mira ad aumentare la consapevolezza dei profondi legami tra...